Anthropologist in the making with a fondness for photojournalism, tech & writing. Also a mime who fosters kittens & loves to volunteer.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. This is actually a positive thing, if it's happening to everyone. One of the things that usually make people give up on a new networking site is the lack of people to interact while their friends don't sign-up. I'm just puzzled because so far I've only been light testing this place, haven't fully used it yet. Perhaps you're my friends and I'm just not recognizing the names (some I did, though). If so, sorry about that. But really. Why? O.o
Just realized I'm not going to get replies to this because I haven't setup a Diqus acc. for this yet. Oops! Anyway, my twitter is @eloisavaldes, feel free to poke me there while I keep procrastinating on making a new email to use with Disqus for this. :B
EDIT 2: Ok, you can now comment, DIsqus setup done. Btw, my shelves are wonky. A lot of things unshelved and on my currently-reading list appears a book I never even heard of. If you're part of the BookLikes team don't worry. 1. I know what beta means. 2. I'm compiling my thoughts to send all the feedback by email.